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Vivere fuggendo (1996)
Despite allegations of child sexual abuse against Jody's ex-husband Marcus, the court orders joint custody of their daughter Samantha. Jody faces a choice of turning Samantha over to Marcus or taking her on the run and risk kidnapping charges. Pursued by both the FBI and a private detective, Jody and Samantha are hunted, fleeing from town to town with the help of an underground network set up to help women and children escape from abuse. Based on a true story.
Genere: Film / Drammatico
Anno: 1996
Paese: Stati Uniti
Regia: Michael M. Scott
Attori: Faith Ford, Hanna Hall, Kyle Secor, Nigel Bennett, Alex Carter, Lynne Cormack, Corinne Conley, Mimi Kuzyk, Philip Williams
Durata: 92
Traduzione: Italiano
Mixdrop Italiano 1.16 GB AAC 92 min Supervideo Italiano 1.16 GB AAC 92 min